Covfefe Anon @CovfefeAnon "Best I can do is slow and painful" 1:22 PM · Jul 22, 2023. Covfefe Anon @CovfefeAnon. Sign up. Woman accused of stealing Pelosi's laptop gets OK to attend Renaissance Fair trib. You wanted data. Example - "the media told you blacks are criminal" - no, the media worked to hide that. ”Women in general have no native concept of roles and responsibilities. ”Covfefe Anon @CovfefeAnon. Are you going to make this into an example of the sorites paradox?” Covfefe Anon @CovfefeAnon. The fundamental problem here is that there is an IQ floor for being able to apply knowledge of how to do these calculations that is *higher* than the ability to do the calculations. If you take this fool's argument seriously you'd have to conclude that Soros prosecutors and (D) district attorneys are paid off by Big Oil to not prosecute crimes on public transportation. Here's your answer if you're really looking for one. Covfefe Anon. This Tweet was deleted by the Tweet author. @CovfefeAnon Oct 4, 2019 Progressivism in women is entirely a subconscious burning desire for domination so much so that they'll excuse any criminal behavior by violent men, agitate for the importation of violent men, and react hysterically at anyone who threatens to end this. Covfefe Anon @CovfefeAnon. Covfefe Anon @CovfefeAnon Deliberately didn't use the word "leftist" here - used "progressive" because use of "conventionally attractive" comes from the same redditor attitude that also refers to wives as "spouses" - not. ·. Covfefe Anon @CovfefeAnon. 1. 306. "state capitalism on a global level" - lol. Verified account Protected Tweets @; Suggested usersCovfefe's law . Verified account Protected Tweets @; Suggested usersCovfefe Anon on Twitter: "It's almost monkeypox month again!" It's almost monkeypox month again! 17 May 2023 14:34:53. The result? Men give all women slut treatment. ”“@SolarpunkM @giantgio @vulgarheidegger That's an extremely broad question - here's a few illustrative examples (one of them is cheating because it's text)”The quoted excerpts are some great "woke more correct" - universities are and were doing political indoctrination - the question is what ideology or religion they're indoctrinating. ”@CovfefeAnon Worked for media companies that did not secure any USG funding but acted as gatekeepers for left wing influence. Bookmarks. It has a delusion at the center of it that is. Quotes. ”“@flancian @parallaxoptics @RokoMijicUK @dpovey1 This ties into the second problem - since their axiom is always "racism did it" the more power they gain, the more power they need because racism *didn't* do it and things don't get any better. Quote Tweet. Every action is a vector summation of forces pushing the machine into doing *this* rather than *that* Many and maybe most of the forces pushing weren't motivated by "saving lives" Covfefe Anon @CovfefeAnon The "progressive passive voice" - progressives never do anything, things just happen that they like in the same way water flows downhill. The dating market entirely reflects women's preference for a very simple reason - dating apps live and die by getting women to sign up for them; no women -> no men, no app so they cater to women and have to cater better to women than alternatives like free. Will you be changing your opinion now that you've seen data? 10:21 PM · Jul 19, 2023. It's funny that the "more cynical" explanations are actually farther from the truth "Cleaning up" a European caused mess? No Helping the British Empire? No The more correct explanation is that they were fighting for the "four freedoms" but failing to understand the implications. You will almost never find a pair of women who pass the Bechdel Test. Replying to . Sign up“@ScipioHadronic No "Oh, if only those evil men didn't tempt the poor perfect angels who would do no wrong!"”4:50 AM · Jun 1, 2022· Twitter Web App. Learn more. The alternate universe libs live in where everyone is at risk of being radicalized by. 2. Likes. 7,837. errorContainer { background-color: #FFF; color: #0F1419; max-width. America is far far worse an actor than Russia and it's not even close. Covfefe Anon - Effective Autism Beats Effective Altruism. “@Explicatur1 @17cShyteposter Those two are interesting cases; Goodell knows what the NFL fixers have to do to keep the massive amounts of crime by his players away from the public eye. Let's talk about why #. Girl #1 is fat. "Don't measure" exists to set up "you have no evidence of bad results"“This guy's biggest mistake is thinking that $1. In this conversation. Defending from an attack is better than cowering in fear but not what really gets women going. The clever man knows life is a pussy buffet and rejoices The wise man knows life is a pussy buffet and despairs. 12:37 PM · Jul 22, 2023. “Even worse was when decisions were made by women in authority - women's "leadership" looks exactly like bureaucratic leadership - she is aiming to please the committee in her head. I’m paralyzed but I can walk, that’s why it took me so long to be diagnosed with paralysis. Covfefe Anon @CovfefeAnon. ” Covfefe Anon @CovfefeAnon Not to be confused with 2001 Nobel Peace Prize winner Kofi Annan. ” Covfefe Anon @CovfefeAnon. Even outsiders notice this - the US Regime is an Empire of Lies for the same reason the Soviet Union was. 3. L . The American political system can be fairly described as "fascism for blacks"“@wil_da_beast630 Progressivism in women is entirely a subconscious burning desire for domination so much so that they'll excuse any criminal behavior by violent men, agitate for the importation of violent men, and react hysterically at anyone who threatens to end this. Sign up🧵 . Colleges won't stop using race as a determinative factor immediately, but they will when they start paying out tens of millions in class action lawsuitsCovfefe Anon @CovfefeAnon. A few years back there was a thing in the discourse on twitter about a women who was utterly contemptuous of a guy with like $100k. ”Replying to @CovfefeAnon But, probably the winning argument here is that women of all persuasions engage in tons of OTHER strategies to avoid rape - going out in groups, carrying knives and keys, arranging taxis home, etc. Covfefe Anon“@HarriersAreGood What is "degenerate" for a woman and for a man are different because women and men are different. errorContainer { background-color: #FFF; color: #0F1419; max-width. ·. @CovfefeAnon Even outsiders notice this - the US Regime is an Empire of Lies for the same reason the Soviet Union was. Jul 9. ”Ultimately the Court is powerless to make a binding decision on the universities anyway - the universities will simply ignore any ruling and keep doing what they were doing. 3. 1,142. @CovfefeAnon. <style> body { -ms-overflow-style: scrollbar; overflow-y: scroll; overscroll-behavior-y: none; } . It started with a simple event where the press reacted with a simple кто кого instinctively taking the wrong (but progressive) side. Van Amsterdam @DT212402390 · Apr 24. He had a nose for anyone non-progressive having money and hated it - both of those things involved taking money away from the people he hated and using it for things that harm the so he'd love them. @CovfefeAnon This is a classic "woke are more correct than the mainstream" - this person is right "tolerance" isn't possible if there are fundamental disagreements. Replying to . <style> body { -ms-overflow-style: scrollbar; overflow-y: scroll; overscroll-behavior-y: none; } . “But that's a small portion of the whole effort which really gets going when it infects the egregore. ”Covfefe Anon @CovfefeAnon Not to be confused with 2001 Nobel Peace Prize winner Kofi Annan. Covfefe Anon @CovfefeAnon. As far as sex goes women are just as short-sighted there - it's their job to want things and it's men's job to make it work for them. Covfefe Anon. It's not really that simple though. Covfefe Anon. @p8stie. Sure, if you question the hypothetical then "take the $500" might be correct but why would they even offer that choice? 12:18 AM · Jul 22, 2023. Replying to @GoodUserNameTBH. RiichStoneMediaOur civilization is dying because we decided that women can make reasonable mating decisions when they don't even know their own minds. ”Covfefe Anon @CovfefeAnon >IQ [is] certainly the part we have the most well-founded quantitative evidence for Lots of the defensiveness and argument over IQ are of the "putting a fence around the Torah" variety - IQ is so obviously true and is supported by a mountain of evidence but it opens a doorCovfefe Anon @CovfefeAnon. 5:36 PM · Jul 16, 2023. “The best part of it is that he is likely so "oversocialized" that he doesn't even know he did that. 175. @CovfefeAnon Impeccable elite credentials familial and personal: Sister was an AUSA then District Court Judge (appointed by Reagan) then Appeals Court Judge (appointed by Clinton) Uncle was a professor of EE at MIT His undergrad degree is from Wharton Covfefe Anon. This Tweet is from a suspended account. Now there are cell phone videos from schools and fast food places, etc. a polarizing take that landed at no2 on Twitter's trending topics and made half the user base lose their minds. @thirdbornashley. @CovfefeAnon We've been in that place for a while now. New York Post. 16. 1. OP was talking about 18-19 year old women. Married women are richer b/c men are (overall) more prudent with money. 1:18. Women say this because male status is illegible to them - they can't see or understand it so they think it's just randomly assigned to men. Quote Tweet. The solution strips away that leverage but is going to be hard because there won't be an excess of brides for the men who united. The problem is that progressives want a bioweapon so they make the problem far worse in every way. Easy to dig up examples of any of those categories. Group selection might be false but "total Y chromosome replacement events" are common throughout our evolutionary past (in Europe and Asia) 6:44 PM · Apr 26, 2023. Covfefe Anon @CovfefeAnon. Covfefe Anon @CovfefeAnon The only actually workable solution to this is "if you're deathly allergic to sesame, that's your problem and you figure out how to live that way since you're in the best position to understand your life". You'll do a lot better in life when you learn that women strongly prefer to communicate indirectly and are highly reluctant to say what they really mean. See new Tweets“One succeeds - it gets mental traction in the egregore and enough buy-in from "the public" that it can't simply be dismissed - there's always an element of making sure that there's enough buy-in on the problem to head off opposing coordination points”Covfefe Anon on Twitter. Federal Judge Walker strikes down Florida's "Stop Woke Act" calling professors "priests of democracy. A Florida jury awarded $800,000 in damages to a 7-year-old girl on Wednesday for the suffering and mental anguish caused when a Chicken McNugget fell on her thigh, causing a second-degree burn. To be a progressive means to instantly and instinctively side with any and all people who will act out your fantasies of violence against those you envy. *Why* it matters that 2+2=4 is a value proposition - you have to value truth. ConversationThe state of your country when you were a child is *not* your responsibility or an accomplishment. Only ever кто кого” <style> body { -ms-overflow-style: scrollbar; overflow-y: scroll; overscroll-behavior-y: none; } . Ted K nailed them 👇 They don't want the things they're demanding, they just want to be obeyed. ”Covfefe Anon @CovfefeAnon. If she's 18 and he's 20 she'll key on a guy that she thinks either has big value for the time or in the future in a way her pussy. Wives don't spend every dollar they have on adornment - single women do. 1,603. @averytheloftier. @CovfefeAnon. There are very good evolutionary reasons for it - without even getting into the other <forbidden to discuss topic around child abuse> - which (naturally) runs into progressive thought-crime prevention around collecting data. “@WKCosmo” Covfefe Anon @CovfefeAnon For people voting CIA or Blackrock where do they think CIA and Blackrock are finding people to hire who will have massive loyalty to CIA / Blackrock as opposed to the ideas of progressivism? @CovfefeAnon Jun 6 (in minecraft) *That* phrase makes a joke out of the same process - "I would like to communicate something to my in-group while also having the statement be illegible to the legal system" The joke is how unadorned the attempt is versus the one produced by AH's $1k hour lawyers Quote Tweet. My own view is that the egregore is important and the egregore senses / knows that healthy. Quote Tweet. ·. of course the media is the informal government. 5 million (in a brokerage account) is worth anything to women. Person who *owns a car* believes that her envy for someone with a *nicer* car is righteous and just and justifies hurting that person while not realizing that demons she's unleashing will gleefully eat her, too. The Zimmerman / Martin fiasco was proof that the actual belief of progressives is "self defense against a black criminal is wrong" even if they were unwilling or incapable of articulating it and only showed it by how they analyzed events Covfefe Anon @CovfefeAnon Not to be confused with 2001 Nobel Peace Prize winner Kofi Annan. Jul 5. If she's 18 and he's 20 she'll key on a guy that she thinks either has big value for the time or in the future in a way her pussy understands. Covfefe Anon @CovfefeAnon. 633. al/2IExAyM. errorContainer { background-color: #FFF; color: #0F1419; max-width. “@0x49fa98 The problem is that the trend strengthens itself - vicious cycle. Quote Tweet. Aug 5, 2022. Colleges won't stop using race as a determinative factor immediately, but they will when they start paying out tens of millions in class action lawsuits @CovfefeAnon The problem with this take is that the embedded assumption is untrue. Look at your response. For all the progressive talk about "racism" as some conspiracy this is an *actual* conspiracy in the strictest legal sense of tacit coordination of actors to violate the law - admitted to on video. @CovfefeAnon Oct 4, 2019 Progressivism in women is entirely a subconscious burning desire for domination so much so that they'll excuse any criminal behavior by violent men, agitate for the importation of violent men, and react hysterically at anyone who threatens to end this. @annakhachiyan. You've never understood the arguments against 1930s "progresivism"? There's nearly a century of writings about them. America has already lost - the Regime has gone mask off and the people that make America work realize that the Regime hates them and wants them dead. Covfefe Anon @CovfefeAnon. The idea that there can be no status distinctions between people with rules about the conduct of people with regards to people of different. There was FBI drone footage of the Kenosha riots. ·. 2,780. They're not directly confrontational - that's a different thing. ”Time for some uncomfortable "woke are more correct" about the subway incident. Views. 54th Clause of the Magna Carta absolutist. ”In this conversation. It was incredibly violent - ethnic cleansing of cities and political violence by a faction of the left that executed a successful putsch. Covfefe Anon @CovfefeAnon "LLM - give me an 'appropriately diverse' history as written by a contemporary of Julius Caesar" Think about what having every. More 22 year old men than 20 year old women, the women get more leverage. 476. Likes. Covfefe Anon @CovfefeAnon. 740. This is actually a skillful use of propaganda. See new Tweets“Liz is fairly dim but got her job for being cute so of course she pretends to not understand this. “@ConvictApeDroid @thetemphero I don't think that it has to be this way. @CovfefeAnon. Covfefe Anon @CovfefeAnon Not to be confused with 2001 Nobel Peace Prize winner Kofi Annan. Covfefe Anon @CovfefeAnon. @CovfefeAnon Jun 13, 2021 If this is correct the vax causes damage via the same mechanism as the virus - except that the version vax is highly limited because you run out of it so it stops producing spike proteins while the virus reproduces. It's not easier for 30-40 year old men to date 18 year olds - it's considerably harder and the reason men put up with the difficulty is because women in that age range are closer to peak attractiveness. One of these videos actually happened, one was scripted and done by actors Can you guess which is which? Why are they so different? The System feels the outrage about the reality and reacts in. 3. Lying in the highway isn't an action, that's the default state of nature when progressives aren't obeyed. “@Gum577633 It's got to be plausible and misinterpretable to be bait. Lots more guys have the potential than hit it. To be a progressive means to instantly and instinctively side with any. Is the problem with "hey, they said we need a civic religion and we have one so everything will be fine!" clearer now?"You may think "what is he talking about?" but this is a woke are more correct than the mainstream example. It's not easier for 30-40 year old men to date 18 year olds - it's considerably harder and the reason men put up with the difficulty is because women in that age range are closer to peak attractiveness. Do you have any trouble recognizing which row of people in the above photo are referred to as "black"? "Black" as a word doesn't refer to skin color - it is a title for the human species from sub-Saharan Africa. This is dark elf. Retweets. How bad is it for Catholics? How corrupt & gay is the institution? Read “In The Closet of The Vatican” to learn about an org that serves its internal gay hierarchy & leaves paIn this conversation. Yes it is when you look at who's actually with the """groomed""" 14-17 year olds. Commentary from an NRx perspective. @CovfefeAnon The part where "they wouldn't do this if you just gave in" is a lie, too. 02 Dec 2022 04:48:30I'll give the answer I always give to these questions: "Because communists won WWII" 10 Feb 2023 07:29:39“@MysteryGrove A massive amount of playing with forces that are inherently ready to spin out of control and they don't even think about it because "it hasn't happened before". " / Twitter. 5. Covfefe Anon on Twitter: "It's hilarious how incredibly stupid this essay looks in retrospect. Verified account Protected Tweets @; Suggested usersIn this conversation.